Meet the MST Board

Assoc Prof Rosemary Wong – CHAIRPERSON
MBBS (Melb), MD (Melb), FRACP, MDiv (ACT), GAICD
Rosemary is Adjunct Clinical A/Professor, Clinical School Monash University and Senior Staff Specialist in Endocrinology, Eastern Health. She is involved in clinical practice, research and teaching medical students and trainee physicians. Having worked for 5 years in clinical and scientific research at the National Institutes of Health, Maryland, USA, she obtained her Doctor of Medicine, MD (Melb) in the area of thyroid diseases. She is also Chair of the Board, Eastern College Australia, and former Chair of the Victorian branch, Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia She is passionate about seeing men and women of God trained and equipped for Gospel ministry in all of life.

Leigh Adcock
CA, BBus (Acctg), GradDipTheol, MA (Ministry)
Leigh is the Business Manager at Northside Christian College. He is a Chartered Accountant, with a decade of audit experience at KPMG, with past roles as Financial Controller at Honda Australia, and Countrywide Australia; and Acting Finance Manager at Peters Ice-cream, and John Holland Aviation Services. He is a former Board member of Harvest Bible College. This followed the completion of his Master of Arts (Ministry) and Graduate Diploma in Theology qualifications. Leigh was appointed to the Boards of Melbourne School of Theology and Eastern College Australia in May 2018, and to the Board of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund in July 2022.

Rev Rick Cheung
B.Pharm. (Monash), Dip. Bible & Mission (Ridley), B.Th.(Hons)(ACT)., Grad. Dip. Health Ed. (Deakin), Grad. Dip. Adult Ed & Training (Melbourne)
Rick came to Melbourne from Hong Kong as a teenager in the mid-70s. He studied and registered as a pharmacist in 1979. After working as a relief worker for World Vision in a refugee camp in Thailand, he returned to study missions and theology at Ridley College, and was subsequently ordained in the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne in 1987. Rick has been instrumental in the development of the BCV (now MST) training program for Chinese-speaking pastors in Melbourne. This program held its first classes in 1995 at St Michael’s Anglican Church, Burwood when Rick was then the incumbent there. Having previously served as a Consultant in Chinese ministry to the former Archbishop of Melbourne, Rick was also a past Chairman of the Chinese Theological Education Foundation of Australia. He currently chairs MST’s Advisory Committee on Chinese ministries. Rick with his wife Jessica, also an ordained Anglican minister, established St Paul’s Cathedral’s first ever weekly worship service in Mandarin in 2015. He is currently pioneering a Mandarin-speaking ministry at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Kew, where he serves part-time as an associate minister. As an adult educator, and fluent in both Mandarin & Cantonese, Rick is passionate about undertaking research into how to communicate the Gospel better to people from honour/shame cultural backgrounds. He is also committed to teaching biblical theology in a non-technical way to people from all walks of life, especially those from the Chinese-speaking communities.

Geoff Cox
Geoff is a partner with the firm McCracken & McCracken, having been a solicitor there since graduating from the University of Melbourne in 2002. Since 2014 he has served as Law Agent of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Geoff and his family are members of Bundoora Presbyterian Church where, among other things, he serves in music ministry and small group leadership. He has been involved for many years as a missions volunteer with Scripture Union.

Rev Tim Meyers
BEd (Melb), ThM (Dallas)
Tim completed his Masters of Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary (Texas, USA) in 1991, with majors in Systematic Theology and Bible Exposition. He became Principal of MST at the end of 2011 following 12 years in senior leadership and entrepreneurial roles with mission agency Pioneers and almost a decade in pastoral ministry with Baptist churches in Queensland. During his time with Pioneers Australia and Pioneers International, Tim oversaw significant growth in Pioneers and was sought after as a church preacher, teacher and conference speaker in Australia and overseas. Tim is multi-skilled, having worked as a professional musician and secondary school teacher and he also trained as a commercial pilot with Mission Aviation Fellowship, prior to moving into ministry.

Sam Ringwaldt
B.Christian Studies (BCV/ACT)
Sam is the co-founder of Conry Tech, a company that is developing next-gen, sustainable, commercial air-conditioning systems. Sam experienced the full scope of student offerings of the Bible College of Victoria (now MST), initially studying full time living on campus (2002), then off campus, then switching to part time and completing his studies via distance from overseas. Over the years God has placed Sam into business leadership roles, including 3 years in N.America, and a decade in Singapore. Sam has been involved in various ministry and leadership roles within the churches he has attended, such as the International Baptist Church in Singapore. He now resides in Melbourne and attends Canterbury Gardens Community Church, and currently serves as a Board member for the Donvale Christian College. Sam is passionate about helping raise up and equip the next generation of Christian leaders to serve God boldly wherever He calls them.

Rev Dr Justin Tan
MEng, MDiv, MTh, PhD
Justin was born in Malaysia and has been in Australia since the early 70’s. His passion is teaching the Old Testament, and Christian Spirituality (especially the Christian Fathers). He has helped establish the Chinese Department at Melbourne School of Theology (then called Bible College of Victoria), and saw its progress into a mature institution of theological studies with language other than English (Chinese). He has been invited to be visiting professor in various institution, not least Peking University. He is also the Old Testament Series Editor, Multi-Volume Chinese Biblical Commentary, Shenzhou Bible Commentary Series. Currently he is working on several Bible commentary projects, including Langham Chinese Bible Commentary Series. He is the director of Centre for the Study of Chinese Christianity, and Senior Research Fellow of Australian College of Theology.

Glenn Ward
BSc (Hons), Dip Ed
Glenn was previously the CEO of a manufacturing company and prior to that was a senior manager with a multinational based both overseas and in Australia. He has been involved with different ministries in local churches over many years. He currently serves as a Director of a not-for-profit charity.

Dr Delle Matthews
BEd, GD(ReadEd), MA(AppLing), MEdAdmin, DMin
Delle is the Life Groups Minister for St Johns, Diamond Creek where she has been a member for many years. Delle worked for 17 years as the Dean of Studies for Melbourne School of Theology and completed her doctoral studies on retention and attrition among theological students. Her previous roles in Education include time as lecturer and Principal of SIL Australia, Literacy Coordinator West Papua with SIL/WBT and Resource Teacher at a primary school. Delle currently serves as the Chair of the ECA Academic Board and as a member of the Prison Fellowship Victoria Council. She has previous experience as Chair of the ACT Academic Quality Committee and as a member of the ACT Academic Board and Coursework Committee

Prof Sascha Becker
Sascha is Professor of Economics and Xiaokai Yang Chair of Business and Economics at Monash University, and Part-Time Professor at Warwick University, UK. His research interests in Economic History and the role of religion in economic development have given him wide international experience in Europe and the USA, including as visiting scholar at UC San Diego and UC Los Angeles. He is an elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (FASSA). Sascha also serves as a Board member for Eastern College Australia.

Kalvin Yeoh
Kalvin began his career in banking and finance at a major Australian bank, before moving into real estate development and investments. Over the past decade, Kalvin has been Chief Financial Officer at Capital Alliance, a large private developer. Together with his family, Kalvin has been attending and serving in various ministries at Cross Culture Church of Christ for many years. Prior to that, he attended Bedok Lutheran Church, Singapore. Kalvin has a passion for the local church as he believes that mission work firstly begins at home. Proficient in English and Mandarin, his bi-cultural identity equips him well to support MST, MST-Chinese and Eastern College Australia.