
MST is approved to deliver the courses of the Australian University of Theology (AUT) including the diploma, degree, graduate and post-graduate qualifications offered by MST. These are self-accredited by the AUT under the authority of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). See also the website of the Australian University of Theology. CRICOS Provider Code: 02650E
The AUT is a national provider of state accredited higher education courses in theology. The University (formerly Australian College of Theology) was established under the auspices of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia in 1891. It is now an ecumenical consortium of some 3,000 students enrolled in 30 Bible and theological colleges approved to teach the awards of the University. These awards range from two-year diplomas, three-year undergraduate and coursework masters degrees to masters and doctoral research degrees.
The AUT has a centrally devised and managed curriculum and quality assurance process that is applied across the whole network of approved colleges. The day-to-day educational system is managed by the Dean from the AUT office in Sydney. Three academic boards share this responsibility. The Boards oversee policy, regulation, subject review and course structure for research, coursework and diploma awards.
The Boards are mostly comprised of principals or senior faculty members of approved colleges. A number of senior university academics also sit on the Research and Coursework Awards Boards to help ensure that AUT practice (especially in the outcome of the consideration of research examiner’s reports and general academic policy) remains in line with best practice in the university sector.
The University is governed by a Council. Its members are drawn from the General Synod, college stakeholders, graduates and members of the public.
The following courses offered by MST are Nationally Recognised:
- Diploma of Christian Studies (CRICOS Code 088086F)
- Diploma of Ministry (CRICOS Code 054659K)
- Diploma of Theology
- Advanced Diploma of Ministry
- Advanced Diploma of Theology
- Associate Degree of Theology
- Associate Degree of Ministry
- Bachelor of Divinity
- Bachelor of Theology (CRICOS Code 054676J)
- Bachelor of Theology/Bachelor of Ministry
- Bachelor of Theology Honours
- Bachelor of Ministry (CRICOS Code 054670D)
- Bachelor of Ministry Honours
- Bachelor of Christian Studies
- Graduate Certificate of Divinity (CRICOS Code 076017G)
- Graduate Certificate of Pastoral Care for Mental Health
- Graduate Diploma of Divinity (CRICOS Code 059677A)
- Master of Divinity (CRICOS Code 054688E)
- Master of Ministry (CRICOS Code 088085G)
- Master of Divinity/Graduate Diploma of Divinity
- Master of Theological Studies (CRICOS Code 0100549)
- Master of Missional Leadership (CRICOS Code 097030C)
- Master of Professional Ministry
- Master of Theology (Research)
- Doctor of Ministry (CRICOS Code 054710A)
- Doctor of Philosophy (CRICOS Code 076015J)