Go deep...
Explore the depths of your faith
Want to explore God’s heart for mission?
Or search the depths of the Bible?
Want to get equipped for ministry?
Or learn how to effectively communicate the Gospel to a diverse and changing world?
Then Melbourne School of Theology is for you!

Explore God's
heart for mission

Master of Missional Leadership
Post-Graduate Course
In our rapidly changing world, great challenges and opportunities present themselves to Christian leaders serving in Australia or overseas. The rapidly declining Christian influence in the West (alongside the generally rapid growth of Christianity in the non-Western world), the unprecedented migration of peoples around the world and the impact of technologies and globalization, raise new questions for how God’s people should live with integrity and with biblical and contextual faithfulness.
The Master of Missional Leadership (MML) has been designed to address these challenges and opportunities with missional intention.

Missional Hermeneutics
Intensive - 9-13 September (On campus or Online Live)
This unit is designed to equip students with the knowledge, perspectives, skills, and understanding of working and leading in team dynamics, particularly in culturally diverse settings. Through the learning environment of the unit, we focus on evaluating different models of teams, the impact of culture on the selection and functioning of team leaders and members, biblical perspectives about ministry in the culturally diverse Christian community, handling sources of conflict in culturally diverse teams, approaches to and tools for building and supporting teams, and biblical, sociological, and anthropological perspectives on the leadership of culturally diverse groups.

Apologetics to Islam
Online Flexible
The purpose of this course is to provide students with a general knowledge on Islam’s foundation, spread and key aspects; as well as introduce students to the diversity of Muslims enhancing capacity to engage as a Christian with the Muslim world.
On successful completion of this unit, you be able to articulate the basic practices and beliefs of the Islamic faith. You will know the general history of Islam and its place in the modern world. And you will understand the diverse nature of Islam, and its view of other religions.
Search the depths
of the Bible

Early New Testament Church
Unit - Evening Class or Online
This unit also examines the spread of the gospel as recorded in the Book of Acts and highlights the teachings of the early church and the issues they faced. It’s all too easy to take snippets from the New Testament and apply them to our lives without any appreciation of how the text was understood by its original recipients. Without this appreciation, it is all too easy to misinterpret the New Testament and accordingly misapply it.

Master of Theological Studies
Post-Graduate Course
Are you interested in going further in your studies of the Christian faith? Our Master of Theological studies will equip you to mine the depths of Scripture and apply theological wisdom to today’s world at a first-rate level. Melbourne School of Theology offers a wide variety of units from which you may choose across all the theological disciplines for completing the Master of Theological Studies: Biblical Studies, Christian Theology, Christianity in History, Practical, Pastoral and Missional Theology. Our learned faculty will be there to assist you every step of the way.

Diploma of Christian Studies
Under-Graduate Course
Whether you’re fresh out of school or haven’t studied in years, the Diploma of Christian Studies is an ideal starting point for studying the Bible, theology and mission.
Unfortunately, the Bible doesn’t say “Repent, be baptised, and study a Diploma of Christian Studies!” But for people wanting to go deeper in their faith, MST’s Diploma of Christian Studies is highly recommended for providing a solid biblical foundation with plenty of room for ministry training. This one-year course is a springboard for your own personal growth, being equipped for ministry, or for exploring whether you might like to continue studying an undergraduate degree.
Get equipped
for ministry

Bachelor of Ministry
Undergraduate Course
Be prepared for a wide range of Christian ministries with a thorough introduction to Christian foundations and practical ministry skills.
If you feel called into ministry as a pastor, chaplain, cross-cultural missionary or local church leader, then the Bachelor of Ministry is a fantastic starting point. This Degree provides the theological framework and spiritual formation you will need in order to excel in your future service as a minister or Christian leader.

Graduate Diploma of Divinity
Post-Graduate Course
This unit is designed to assist Christian believers, in particular those serving in the vocations of pastoral ministry, school, chaplaincy, and mental health. Our team of expert teachers offers introductions to common mental health conditions and its treatments, and present effective skills and strategies.

Muslim Thinkers, Now and Then
Unit - Online Flexible
This unit introduces students to the most important Muslim thinkers, classic texts and theological debates in Islam, as well as how Christian theologians and apologists have responded. On completion, students will be able to utilise their understanding of these debates to develop responses that speak distinctive Christian truth to contemporary Muslims wrestling with these issues.
MST hosts an atmosphere of intellectually and spiritually challenging conversation, and encourages critical thinking, which sustains my confidence that my worldview is being shaped powerfully by sound theology and my relationship with Jesus is tested and strengthened as a result!"
Benji Watson
Learn how to
communicate the gospel

Christian Worldview
On campus and online
Understanding the Christian worldview, and how it contrasts with other worldviews, is crucial to maintaining an intelligible faith in today’s world. Our worldview forms the context within which we grapple with the most important questions of life. The aim of the Christian Worldview unit is to equip students with the lens of a distinctly biblical worldview through which to critically engage with alternative worldviews and which will enable them to develop a distinctly Christian approach to ministry, as well as other spheres of life such as education, history, politics, science, and the arts.
Semester 1, 2025

Christian Ethics
On campus and online

Muhammad: A Christian Perspective
Unit - Online
On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to outline the significant events in the life of Muhammad, to understand the challenges and opportunities that he faced and how he dealt with them, to assess his personality and character from a biblical perspective, and to compare and contrast his life with that of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Theology for Everyday Life
On campus and online
Theology for Everyday Life is the discipline of living out in everyday life all that we know and believe about God.
It is our desire to think biblically about everything—our work and our play, our personal identity and our interpersonal relationships, our community, our nation and our world, what we read and watch. Everything! For we must see all of life as an expression of faith and an act of worship.
This unit is designed to help bridge the divide that often exists between our academic “cerebral” understanding of theology and biblical study, and the lived experience of faith.
Semester 1, 2025
Get in touch
with us
Our friendly Student Services Team is ready to answer any questions you may have.
You can call us, email us, or pop in for a visit or fill in the form and we will get in touch with you.
- + 613 9881 7800
- info@mst.edu.au
- 5 Burwood Highway, Wantirna, VIC 3152, Australia